Tuesday 3 March 2009

Second Filming Session

During the week, we were still searching for a better location than the place we filmed, as we still needed a tree for our main shot. A member of the group took pictures of the area they thought we should film and we all agreed that this was perfect and the tree she picked out looked thrilling and spooky enough to use.
The new location was now Finsbury Park. To show our dedication to the project, every member of the group met up during half term in order to film and complete early so we could have enough time to edit and perfect. When arrived and set up, we realised the use of two different locations may mean we have to get rid of many of the shots we took on the first day of filming as it would look amateur because the shots wouldn’t match, there would be no consistency and it would be obvious that the locations are different .
Nevertheless, we began filming immediately; we had our shots carefully planned. Although we were in very cold weather, we firmed the temperature and spent the whole day getting great shots. We got some good point of view shots, low angle, high angle, panning shots, tracking and while she was hanging we got some good tilts and medium close ups.
We finally completed the outside scenes now all was left was the bedroom scene of the main character sleeping, this was done the next day by two members of the group. They shot this scene the logged and captured and as we predicted many of the original shots had to be deleted.

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