Tuesday 3 March 2009

First Day Filming

We decided to take full advantage of a three hour Friday lesson and begin filming; we had our shots well planned and were able to begin filming straight away. We also found the perfect location, a park just across the road from the college. It had a pathway that we could have used for the walk leading up to the hanging. We set up the tripod, and placed the camera on top. We agreed that we should record a minute of nothing for the natural sound that we could use later on. After the minute was up, we were full prepared to begin with our first shot that was a low angle shot of the main character walking towards the tree. Just as we began filming the park’s grounds keeper who explained we could not film there because it was private property stopped us. We were extremely gutted and the group’s morale completely dropped to a low level. We packed everything away and sat down at a bench for at least 10 minutes contemplating whether to give up and go home or think of a new idea.
We made our way back to college where we found our media teacher who helped us overcome this dilemma by telling us about other potential locations. However, we were still upset that we could not use our original location; nevertheless, we took our teachers advice and made out way to a new location, which was around the corner from our college. This seemed to have a more thrilling affect as there was a church, so we could have made it religion based. We set up the tripod and camera, and went straight into the filming as we already wasted an hour. We successfully got many shots of our character walking (close up’s, long shots and extreme long shots), kneeling towards the church and cross (tilts, high angle and low angle) and making he journey th4rough the gate towards a tree (medium close ups, tracking and panning).
We were proud that we made the most of our dreadful day, although we bumped into some problems, they were overcome, so we returned to college and uploaded our clips. That was it for that day, now the next lesson we were ready to film the walk to the tree and the hanging.

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