Tuesday 3 March 2009

Preliminary- Match Cut and 180 Degree Rule

When doing our preliminary, we were asked to focus on match cuts and not breaking the 180-degree rule. Our task was to create a short clip of a character opening a door, walking into a room and sitting opposite another character with some dialogue shared between them.
A match cut is the technical term for cutting from one shot to a completely different shot, which has the same objects that occupy the same place in the screen, hence the fact they match. The 180 degree rule just means the position u begin shooting, you need to stay within 180 degree of that axis other wise if you pass that, the camera mans right would be the audiences left and this would just confuse everything.
Firstly we made a list of shots we needed to do, our main match cut was character one walking through a door and the second shot of him coming out the other side. Our Preliminary was edited very well with just one or two mistakes but there is always space for improvement, however it was a great improvement from out 1st practise film the card game.

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