Friday 27 March 2009

Lesson 5/12 - The Shining


The Shining

As an introductory lesson into the elements of thriller films we were shown the film adaptation of the Stanley Kubrick novel The Shining. There was a variety of elements that created suspense and tension throughout the film. Many scenes in the film felt like your mind was tricking you and making you feel confused when in fact it was the skilled techniques in which the creators had portrayed these scenes. For example there is a scene where Jack has gone into ‘Room 237’ he finds a young beautiful slender woman bathing nakedly, she then gets out and walks towards Jack. Jack then begins to kiss her passionately but is suddenly sickened is she starts to deteriorate into and old woman, he hair and skin start to fall off and is both scary for the audience and the character of Jack in the film. This is a prime example of the skilled techniques used to illustrate Jack’s insanity but is very much thrilling and scary for the audience to watch.

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