Friday 27 March 2009

Final Preliminary Film Pt 2

Final prelim Pt 2
In today’s lesson we finished editing our final preliminary exercise. The finished product in comparison to our previous prelim exercise clearly shows our expanding expertise within camera work and continuity.

After finishing these two tasks it is apparent that we have taken on board the advice and techniques out teachers have told us. I have learnt how the explore the 180 ̊ rule and use it to an advantage, by using this techniques it keeps consistency and gives the finished product a ‘neater’ overall without having to use effects and ‘mirror’ scenes to make them all in one direction. Another useful technique that takes a lot of time and effort to perfectly complete is match-cutting. However this technique is especially useful when in the editing process as it gives you a range of structure and frame sizes to work with and can also help with continuity and focus on a specific object, action or person.

This task showed typical elements of a thriller film e.g. smug characters, use of props such as; a brief case and remote, pulsating music and an unpredictable event. The sequence ended with the ‘less-confident’ character pressing a button on the remote and laughing. As the other character had just left the room with the briefcase the link between the two props was made clear through editing.

Every member of our group showed true skill in certain technical aspects when creating this product, we each have valuable qualities and contribution and the final thriller should hopefully be a successful task.

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