Monday 30 March 2009

Half Term Filming and Editing

Filming in Finsbury park
It was vital that even though we did not have a college on the Friday before half term, we would of have a 3hr lesson in which we could finish our filming. As we didn’t have that our group made a decision to film on that day anyway as we were already behind because most groups had finished filming. We filmed solidly for about three hours and got alot of footage, probably more than we needed but it means that we have a wider choice when coming to edit next week. I think the hanging scene will we quite effective, when watching it back I felt quite relieved that we’ve now nearly finished.
Myself and Yvonne (another group member) plan to do a the girl tossing in bed scene at her house on Sunday (15/02/09), all in all a productive day filming and a relief into knowing that we will finish on time.
Filming bed shots, Myself and another group member filmed the tossing and turning bed shots in her house we experimented with lots of different angles and shots and used things like boxes and pillows to make the perfect level and get a ‘head-on’ shot of the girl.
Some of our group members came into college on the first day of our holiday to log and capture our footage and make a start on editing. We have around 25minutes of footage which should be more than enough to work with. Myself and Yvonne devised a rough cut of the sequence around 5minutes long so that we will have a basic outline to work with when we return from half term.

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