Monday 30 March 2009

First day of Filming

After going to a nearby park in lesson hours, our group was prepared to start filming. Just as we were starting off the parks warden told us that we would need special permission to film in the section of the park and we had to leave. We headed back to college and decided on asking our teacher what our next move was. Would we have to change our whole film idea?
Our group and teacher tried to think of other locations what were not too far away as we had to shoot in the lesson time if we didn’t want to be behind. We find a nearby church yard that had a wide road with a squeaky gate (conventional mise-en-scene for thriller. Once we got there we got a lot of footage that we may or may not use for our final piece but starting somewhere rather than waiting for another week to film was a good idea and the shots we got may come of use at a later date. Although the location wasn’t perfect we now have a stronger idea of what we definitely want and now we have a found a location to continue filming next week. I will go to Finsbury Park and find a tree that suitable for our narrative and filming next week should hopefully be a success.

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