Friday 27 March 2009

Editing Practise Pt.1 - Card Game

To get some first handed experience with filming our own shots we were asked to create a ‘thrilling’ card game using the techniques that we have learnt when working with the camera. Once we had been introduced to the ins and outs of the camera and tripod facilities we then began to plan our storyboard needing a minimum of twelve shots.

After 30 minutes most of the other groups had begun filming and we had only drawn and described about four shots we collaboratively decided that to get the work done we would improvise. We tried to focus mainly on Mid-Shots or Mid-Pans and also Close-ups of the characters face so that expressions and possible thoughts were clearly visible.

We also paid conscious detail so small actions that would be over looked in ‘everyday’ life to heighten tension and create an anxious atmosphere. Some of these small details/action include; opening a door – specific detail on the walk towards it and pausing before the character walks in, looking at cards in hand – sly movement represent the competition between characters.

I found this task beneficial but also hard as you begin to appreciate the hard work, timing and meticulousness that goes into filming and film preparation.

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