Tuesday 3 March 2009

Making A Pitch and StoryBoard

Before making our pitch, we needed initial ideas and as my group are very imaginative this was, quite easy we had four or five initial ideas but we cut this down to three main ones.

Idea 1:
Secret files downloaded and past on to another person, shots of the computer with man typing, printing, putting file in envelope, making his journey to meet other man. Slow cuts, mainly medium close ups, extreme close ups. Slow music, with bass and drums to create and eerie atmosphere. Low light level, Dark room with some natural light.

Idea 2:
Switching cases in a busy public place, inspired by tom cruise film. 2 men, different dress code, one smart one casual, two similar suitcases, walk towards each other, accidently bump into each other and pick up each other suitcases so they switch. Quick cuts and mainly close ups with tracking and panning shots. Natural Light and up beat music to make audience anxious.

Idea 3:
Walk to death, a girl is dreaming of somebody who is covering his or her appearance walking through a forest, with many cuts to a tree and a rope being tied, much disorientated, the girl keeps tossing in her sleep. She the reaches the tree and the girl hands herself, when we see the appearance of the female, it is the girl who is dreaming.
A mixture of low angle and high angle shots with long shots and close ups, pan and tracking. Natural light with a mixture of slow and fast music.

After we pitched all three we were advised that all ideas could easily be achieve but idea 3 would be the most thrilling so we decided to go with it and began a storyboard. Unlike the typical story board with drawings, my group and I went out to our desired location with a camera and took many shots from different angles. We the logged captured and printed off our storyboard. We were now ready to film.

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