Sunday 8 February 2009

Lesson - 30/1/09

In today's lesson, there were several problems that our group were faced with.
Firstly we weren't allowed to film in the park that we had decided to film in. We had already started and had set up the camera were just about to film when someone came over and said that we needed a permit to film in the park, and to get this permit we needed to write to the council and we wouldn't get a reply for at least 10 days.

We went back to college and found one of our teachers and explained the situation to her and she was just as confused as we were. She told us that there was another park nearby with a church as well that we should be able to use, however at this time everyone wasn't in the most enthusiastic mood so we were contemplating whether or not to continue filming.

After about 20 minutes of sulking, we decided that there was no harm in seeing the park, so we set off and this new park was actually even better than the other one that we had which definitely lifted our spirits. The only downside was that it was very cold at this time and we had to figure out how to start off, because as the location had changed we need to decide what direction to start from and little things like that. The new park was better because it was a bit more private as it wasn’t on a road surrounded by house and was bigger as well.

We got set up and began filming and I think we were all quite pleased with how it went, the change of locations set us back in regard to the time so we didn’t get to do everything that we had planned which was really disappointing. Overall the shots we took, I think, worked really well which was good.

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