Sunday 22 February 2009

The Pitch

In this lesson we had to make our pitch to see if we would get the green light to go and start filming. My group hadn’t had time to put our pitch together before this lesson due to various members being ill. So it was all a last minute thing.

We came up with 3 ideas, the 1st being an action thriller. A chase scene, with two males involved in it, the chased is a normally dressed teenager, wearing tracksuit and carrying a suitcase. The pursuer being a casually dressed man, wearing jeans and jumper. He slowly but surely starts to catch up with the teenager, and then it ends.

The 2nd idea was a more a kind of horror thriller called ‘Walk Of Death’. The story line is quiet simple, it opens with a girl tossing and turning in her dreams, we then see a feminine figure dressed in a white dressing gown, gray jeans and white shoes. We would follow her progress from a pathway in to a forest or park, her final destination being a tree. She would then start tying a noose, which she would use to hang herself. The shots of her tying the noose would be mixed in with her walking towards the tree so it’s like flashing in to the future. At the end of scene we would see the girl who’s dreaming walk in to the scene and see the hanging figure, she would walk over to the figure and see it was herself hanging.

The 3rd idea was a more crime thriller of which we saw a man on his computer downloading files. He then burns them on to a disc; he then places the disk in a suitcase. The scene cuts to a train station we have him walking, the scene continuously switching between him and another character, they’re walking towards each other. They collide and they drop their identical suitcases, they then each pick up the others case and then walk off. We got this idea from the opening of Collateral.

Because we had 3 ideas we didn’t know which one to choose so we asked our teacher and two media technicians which idea they thought we should go with, our teacher and one technician said we should go with the 1st idea, whilst the other technician said the 2nd idea was the better choice. He also said our only problem might be that the film might end up more as a horror than a thriller. In the end we decided to go with the 2nd film proposal ‘Walk Of Death’ we got the permission to film as well with a lot of useful input from our teachers and technicians.

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