Sunday 22 February 2009

Filming In Frinsbury Park

We hadn’t done much for two lesson due to members of the group being ill, so we decided to go out filming on a weekend. Sayvita had located another tree for us to finish off our outdoor filming. We met up in the afternoon and made our way to the new location. Once there we realized that we would have to scrap a lot of our previous footage, as certain parts of the two different locations were too noticeable to pass off as the same place. So we had a lot more filming to do.

We had to re-film a lot of shots from our 1st day filming so we spent more time then expected filming. The re-filming happened easily with no problems. It’s when we came to film the hanging tat we had problems, as it’s not an easy thing to film as no one had any experience hanging. So we just had to improvise this part a lot. As you could imagine this attracted a fair bit of attention, a group of teenagers filming a girl hanging herself in a public park on a Friday afternoon. We had to answer a few questions but otherwise we were left alone. The only real problem we had was that the person trying to hang themselves had trouble tying knots so the make-shift noose kept falling apart or off the tree. In the end we had the shots we needed and we were satisfied that we had filmed enough so we left for home.

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