Sunday 22 February 2009

1st Day Filming

This was supposed to be our 1st day filming for our final film, we got all the equipment (camera, tape, tri-pod) we left the college and then went to our selected location. When we reached there and had set up the video camera ready to start filming the park warden came over and said we couldn’t film here without permission. So we had really given up on filming for the day because we couldn’t think of another park or anything near by. So we headed back to college with rather down moods. We told our media teacher what had happened and she couldn’t think of a solution until another teacher came and told us of a churchyard nearby.

So we decided to give it another go, we found the churchyard and set up again, it was an okay location it just never had the tree what we needed to do the hanging scene. We each took it in turns filming different parts of the scene. We just experimented using different styles of camera work and the out come had us all positive again. By the end of the day we had about 18 minutes of footage. We had most of the footage we needed, we just need to find another tree to finish the outside shots off, and the bed shots.

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