Sunday 22 February 2009

Pre-Lim Thrilling Card Game

In the 1st lesson on the thriller we had already been put in to our groups, I was put in a group with, Adam, Sayvita and Yvonne. We all get along together so we should also work well together. In this lesson we were also introduced to the video cameras, they had created a video on how to operate them. With each step in operating the camera & using the tripod they would pause the film and shows us manually how to work it. They also gave us a set of rules to follow, on how to take care of the cameras.

The main objective of this lesson was to get us using the cameras, so we were sent off to create a short film of a ‘Thrilling Card Game’ showing tension through camera work. We had to show our media know how by using at least 3 different camera shots and angles. Our planning never went well and after everyone had started filming we still hadn’t got much done so we just decided to improvise the 2nd half of the scene.

We were all supposed to get used to the camera so we all filmed a little bit, however Adam and me were in the scene so the girls did majority of the filming. In the end we never had a lot time to film after spending too long planning but we got enough footage to piece together to make the scene look good.

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