Sunday 22 February 2009

Pre-Lim A Thrilling Card Game Pt 2

In this lesson we had to edit our shots from the lesson before, we started slowly because we had to finish off the story as we had improvised the ending. The scene starts with the deck of cards being shuffled, it then cuts to a male character walking in to the scene/corridor, the camera follows him to the door of the room. We then cut to a close up of him placing a gun in the waist of his jeans. We then had him enter the room. We go back to the dealer shuffling the cards this time she deals them to the other male character, who’s in the room the 1st male walks in to the scene. We decided to use a lot of close ups of Adams and my face to create tension in the scene. The scene ends when the gun is revealed and we have a medium close up of my shocked face.

Editing this scene was hard because we were still getting used to using the software and trying to make the scene continue with not a lot of different shots. We also never had the 5 seconds at the start and end of every shot so this made it more difficult to put the shots together. The other thing that could of improved the scene a little bit was music, but we never got around to putting any in, unlike some other groups.

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