Tuesday 27 January 2009

Lesson - 27/1/09 (Storyboard)

In today's lesson, me and my group went to a nearby park to take pictures for our storyboard. As none of us are particularly good at drawing either, taking pictures with the digital camera would also portray the shots as clear as possible. As this was our shorter lesson and it was only our storyboard, all we needed was rough yet accurate enough shots in a location that was suitable. One of the other pupils in the class, informed us that there was a nearby park we could use, so we got a digital camera and began.

We took shots from different angles and distances which were relevant to the scene, however we all felt as a group that there wasn't enough shots taken. When we went back to the classroom, we caught a glimpse of another group filming with their props and this dis-heartened me and another member of the group, as we both felt that maybe our storyline needed changing. We talked it over with one of the technicians and she encouraged us not to dwell on other groups' work because that's where we will go wrong. She continued on to say that our storyline was too complicated and it needn't be and advised us to keep an eerie feel to the scene by using crows in the background. This caused us to change our storyline once more as we have decided to scrap having a girl dreaming, and instead just focus on her walking while at the same time switch to the titles. We are also going to include voices of people tormenting her with verbal abuse, which will represent as to why she is killing herself.

The character is still going to wear a white gown and white plimsolls and her hair will still be down and covering her face.

Our teacher said we are a bit behind and if we don't begin filming by Friday then we will really be far behind. Hopefully, if everything goes to plan, we will be filming tomorrow afternoon.

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