Sunday 25 January 2009

Lesson -16/1/09 (filming preliminary film)

In today's lesson we were filming our preliminary and we used the plan that we had made from the last lesson and got started straight away. Our first few shots were similar to our first 1st practice film, as it had a character walkng down a corridor and opening a door. However, this time it was done so much better as we had remembered our previous mistakes of not planning and not having enough continuity.
We counted in 5 before saying action and cut to give enough time during editing to link the shots together. We had a lot of new ideas as wel, like turning the light off when one of the characters walked in. It took us so long because we had to film the same shot but at different angles (ECU, MCU), which became tedious but it was necessary to ur film.
However as we had so many new ideas, we took longer than the other groups to film. We did finish though and were all happy with the result; we then continued to the editing room.

I didn't realise how many shots we had and putting them together is going to take a while, but I'd prefer having to much of a choice to choose from than not enough. We finished filimin near the end of the lesson so we didn't have enough time to edit, so we will continue with it next lesson.

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