Sunday 7 December 2008

Video Camera Induction Lesson

In today's lesson we were put into groups for our thriller coursework and I was pleased with who I was working with; everyone is euthusiastic and well all get on well with each other so hopefully we'll produce some really good work.

Also today, one of the technicans gave us a clear, step-by-step presentation of how to use the video cameras. They were very precise and made the whole process very easy to understand. We all took in in turns to put the camera in the battery, put the tape in and use the tripod. We were also given basic do's and don'ts to follow, for example, don't get the camera wet etc.

We were then given a brief to film a card game and create tension through different camera shots, editing, mise en scene etc. We had about an hour and a half to do it and we needed a minimum of 12 shots. We first of all made a storyboard to show each shot and explain briefly why we were doing it and what mood we were trying to create.

However, we were planning for about 20-25 minutes and we were still only up to 4 shots which was very frustrating., especially as the other groups had begun filming. As the time was running out, we just decided to start filming and improvise the scene, playing close detail to medium close-ups of people's faces to show the mistrust amomgst the players.

Overall the lesson was very productive as I learnt the basics of camera work and I also learnt that there is a lot more work that goes into filming than just pressing record.
Next lesson, we will begin editing what we recorded and hopefully it will be a success as well as a learning curve.

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