Sunday 14 December 2008

Editing Practice Pt.1

In today's lesson one of the technicians showed us how to use the editing programme. There was an example of a dozen shots together that we used to practice cutting and attaching shots together to make them one scene. I thought at first this would be easy and wouldn't take long, especially as we were given more than enough shots to make a good scene with. However, it was a bit difficult to make some of the shots link continuously together; we had to try and cut a some shots a few times to keep the continuity. In the end we were satisfied that we could all use the software successfully.

In the last part of the lesson, we uploaded our shots from the card game we filmed last lesson. We were then shown how to make cuts of our film; this wasn't hard at all and only took about 10 minutes at most. We have a lot of medium close-ups combined with some close-up shots and putting them together will be a good way to create tension - next week we will try this.

Overall, the lesson was useful and beneficial to the group; we will hopefully be successful when it comes to putting the shots we filmed together.

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